It’s sometimes hard for men to find other men they can connect to in church but the Westside congregation of Every Nation NYC has a men’s group that is providing a fun and safe place for men to grow in their relationship with Christ. Don Choi along with Solomon Choi and Jonathan Hsu lead a great connect group Monday nights at 7:30PM. The group meets at Solomon Choi’s apartment and has become a genuine community for fellowship and accountability. The group began in October of last year and incorporates Bible reading and books tailored to the specific struggles of men. For men who find it difficult to share sensitive aspects of their lives with others, this group provides a sense of brotherhood, privacy and support.

Don Choi works in finance asset management and has the insight to counsel men both in the world of work and in the church. If you are a young man at the Westside congregation interested in joining a community of other men that are engaging the Bible to address questions and topics relevant to growing as a man of God, Don Choi’s group may be a great fit for you. To learn more on how you can join this Westside men’s connect group, contact Don Choi at