PM Service Rally Lunch

Join the PM Service Launch team this Saturday, March 14th from 12noon – 2PM at 414 West 51st Street for this special lunch.  Lunch will be provided so please RSVP today if you plan to attend.

PM Service Prayer Walk, Sat. March 21st at 2PM

Saturday, March 21st we’ll be having site-wide prayer walk in Union Square to pray for our relocation to downtown. This is the first time we’ve ever planted a church in the area and we invite you to join us as we intercede for the neighborhood. This event will be run...

1Nation1Day Missions Trip

Join our team to 1Nation1Day in the Dominican Republic July 18 – 26th! 1Nation1Day will partner with the government of the Dominican Republic to help facilitate the unprecedented amount of aid, people, and logistics an outreach of this scale demands. With the...