High School All-City Club with Young Life

Come join our 414 High School Youth Ministry in collaboration with Young Life, from all over NYC for a night of fun, laughter and great connecting with others. Email our Youth Pastor, Ilze Gideons, at youth@ennyc.org to reserve your...

Christmas Brunch

Our West Side Service will be hosting a special Christmas Brunch on Sunday, December 11th, right after service in the 2nd floor cafeteria.

ENC College & Grad Student Thanksgiving

Our fifth annual College & Grad Student Thanksgiving Dinner will be coming up on Saturday November 19 from 2-5PM at Park West High School, 525 W 50th Street! All full-time college and grad students are welcome for a time of great fellowship, fun, and a FREE...

Motivate Your Child Seminar

Parents, grandparents, teachers! Come learn what a heart0based approach is and how to develop an action plan to bring about change in your child’s life. It’s time to move beyond the reward/punishment solutions and embrace new strategies to teach children to take...

Foundations Class

A solid foundation is essential for growth and necessary to building something that lasts. The Foundations Class at Every Nation NYC is an interactive teaching that explains the foundations of the Christian faith. If you are new to Every Nation NYC, new to...