New Years Eve Prayer

As 2016 comes to a close, we can’t hold back but acknowledge all that God has done for our church family. We invite everyone to join us in a time of prayer and worship as we gloriously journey into 2017.

Christmas Day Service

Experience Christmas with our church family on Christmas Day! We will be holding a combined service for all our locations to celebrate and rejoice in Christmas together.

NYC: Saving the Heart of a Nation

In just a matter of weeks, Every Nation NYC will open the completely renovated “Center for Arts, Faith and Culture.” This wonderful space is located in the heart of Midtown Manhattan where arts and culture are shaped and shared with the world. In this small theater,...

360 ̊ Church Program Survey

On behalf of the Senior Leadership Team at Every Nation NYC, we would like to thank you for your enthusiastic response to our recent survey! According to MarketCues, the firm who conducted the survey, the response was far above normal percentages for both the...

1Nation1Day Nicaragua 2017

Last year, we saw thousands transformed by the power of the Gospel in the Dominican Republic. This summer, we will be joining over 3,000 missionaries from around the world to see the nation of Nicaragua forever changed. Medical clinics, water well construction, school...