Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund

Every Nation NYC Church is taking donations for the Nepal Every Nation Church to use during this catastrophic time. If you would like to give, please select “Other” from the drop-down menu and type “Nepal Relief” to designate offerings to this...

Resources for Men Dealing with Sexual Addiction

Counseling Resources Redeemer Counseling Center Offers individual counseling AND group counseling here in NYC for men dealing with online pornography and/or sexual addiction.  They have a sliding scale fee based on income, so it can be affordable. For individual...

Worship Night

Be refreshed and encouraged at our Every Nation NYC Church Worship Night. Join us for an amazing time of worship and let us honor God together. “But a time is coming–and now is here–when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the...

Child Dedication – Sunday, November 15th

CHILD DEDICATION is a celebration of… new beginnings, dedicating your child to the Lord is a commitment to raise your child to know and love the Lord. Child Dedication is on Sunday, November 15th during the 10AM East Side and 11AM West Side Sunday Worship Services....